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Getting Started

Everything you need to know if you are brand new to Live It Earth.

  • Live It Earth is a hybrid learning library that creates engaging content for students, so teachers can empower learning.

    Live It Earth brings the natural world to life with signature ‘live’ programs that pair real-world learning with interactive technology. 8 times over the school year, a new program is released.

     Each program is designed to inspire learning, spark curiosity and includes:

    • A feature show (20 to 35 minutes)

    • A comprehensive teacher + student resource package with 3+ weeks of learning opportunities

  • Note: if you already have a Live It Earth account, see Scenario B of this article. 

    Scenario A: New registration. 

    If you do NOT already have a Live It Earth account, follow these steps. 

    Step 1. Go to the registration page. This is what you'll see: 

    Step 2. Fill in your personal information (name, email and desired password). 

    Step 3. Check the "I have a coupon code" box. 

    Step 4.  Type your code into the "Coupon Code" box, and click "Register". Your code will automatically be applied upon registration. 

    Scenario B: Already using Live It Earth. 

    If you already have a Live It Earth account, follow these steps to activate a coupon code.

    Step 1. Login to your account

    Step 2. Click on any program, and scroll to the very bottom of the page.

    Step 3. Click on the pink "Redeem Code Now!" button. 

    Step 4. Type your coupon code into the "Program Promo Code" box and hit "Redeem". Your code will be automatically applied and you'll have the desired access. 

  • A useful guide to navigating and using the Live It Earth Platform.

    First, navigate to in your browser. Then, log in using your email and password.

    At the top of the Home Page, you will be greeted with Live It Earth's current or latest program.

    Scrolling down, you will see the 'New Season' Collection. Use the slider to preview the line-up.

    Next, you will see featured collections. Again, use the slide to preview the programs.

    At the bottom of the Home Page, is the 'Relive It' library which contains all past programs. Use the slide to preview all of the Live It Earth programs.

    Click on any thumbnail to open the program’s page. This is where you’ll find everything you need to experience a Live It Earth program including the Feature Show, Trailer, Challenges Collection, Explore Collection, and Resources Collection (see outlines below).


    • Creative Challenge - get creative with your students! Includes written instructions and a supplemental video to excite students.

    • STEM Challenge - get sciency with your students! Includes detailed written instructions and a supplemental and fun tutorial video to engage students.

    • Story Challenge - turn your students into bookworms! Includes printable packet with activities and suggestions and a supplemental video to inspire students.

    • Game Challenge - a fun way to test your students' knowledge of the program! This can be done individually or as a class.


    • Live It 360 - explore some of the best-curated content available on the web in an interactive environment.

    • Deep Dive - dive even deeper into the program topic with this additional interview with an expert. 

    • Indigenous Perspectives - learn more about the program topic through the lens of Indigenous worldviews.

    • Career Pathways - learn more about career opportunities within the program topic to inspire youth to explore the topics that they love.

    • Q&A (only available after show launch/Q&A Day) - the archive of student questions and expert answers from Q&A Day.

    • Call To Action - prompt students to take action! Call To Actions can vary from citizen science to community service and experiential or project-based learning. 

    • Student Art Collection - a collection of student art from the Creative Challenge.


    • Slideshow - a great preview and introduction to the Live It Earth program. It is a supplemental and enrichment resource for going deeper in either depth or scope. 

    • Glossary - a collection of vocabulary used throughout the program.

    • Program Checklist - includes a detailed checklist of how to best utilize all of your Live It Earth resources and a sample calendar for the program.

    • Inquiry Guide - a resource to support inquiry prior to, during, and even after the Live It show for project-based learning.

    • Self Assessment - support students to set their own goals and take authorship of their learning by reflecting on and describing themselves as learners, noticing their progress, and sharing their accomplishments in a timely and holistic way.

    Where to start:

    • We suggest watching the program trailer first. (If the show hasn’t aired yet, the page will display a countdown until the premiere day).

    • Use the Challenges and Resources to begin your students' learning.

    • The Tuesday before the show airs, post your students' artwork on Twitter, using #liveitearth so that it can be featured in our Live It Student Art Collection.

    • If you watch the feature show on its launch date, your students' questions will be answered by experts in real-time during the LIVE Q&A.

    • Watch the show as a class and hear from experts as our host asks questions surrounding the program topic. And be sure to ask students questions during the Q&A so that they can receive LIVE answers from the experts!

    • Following the show, have your students test their knowledge with the Game Challenge!

    • If you need further help, take a look at our additional PRO-D videos, check our FAQs page, or click the teacher support chat button to ask any further questions you may have.

  • If you hope to use all of the supporting resources available to you, you can plan to spend between 10 to 30 hours on the content for each program. You are truly the master of your own adventure here and you can adjust based on what works best for you and your classroom. We recommend this time be spread over 3 weeks to build engagement and integrate learning. 

    Here is an overview of what this could look like:

    Week 1: Topic Intro

    • Monday
      Program launches  - Teachers receive email notification that the Program resources are all ready (new program launch only)
      All resources will be available for you to explore, print and share. All docs can easily be saved in .docx format to use with the Microsoft suite.

    • Tuesday
       Print out copies or add the Inquiry Guide to google classroom
      Watch the trailer for a brief intro to the topic

    • Wednesday
      Dive into the slideshow to spark interest and begin the learning

    • Thursday & Friday
      Explore Creative, STEM, and Story Challenges to build engagement

    Week 2: Show Time

    • Monday
      Material prep to continue challenges
      Start gathering student questions and submit them for the Q&A on Thursday!

    • Tuesday
      Share photos of your students' Creative Challenge creations on Twitter using the hashtag #liveitearth so that their artwork can be added to the Live It Student Art Collection.

    • Wednesday
      Review and submit student questions for the LIVE Q&A with experts the next day!

    • Thursday
      Feature Show Live English: 10am PST | French: 11am PST* + Live Q&A from 10 am to 12 pm PST
      Learn how to ask questions.

    • Friday
      Test the knowledge of your students and their skills with our Game Challenge!

    Week 3: Dive Deeper

    • Plan for student self-assessment

      Explore and plan to explore further into remaining resources for project-based learning.

      • Deep Dive

      • Call to Action

      • Live It 360

      • Career Pathways

  • Here are the steps:

    1. Select the province or state you are interested in

    2. Use the additional filters available if you’d like

    3. Explore the results

  • Creating Accounts for Your Students

    Here are the 6 easy steps: 

    1. Login at

    2. From your Profile Icon in the top right corner, select “Classrooms”

    3. Choose and enter the name for your classroom. Click Create

    4. Enter your students’ information. To protect privacy, only enter initials of first names

    5. A code will be generated for each student

    6. Using the code you have shared with them, your students will be able to log in and access the platform

  • Yes, there are! 

    If you would like to do your own demo of Live It Earth in your school or district, we have a slide presentation with speaker notes prepared and ready for download! 

  • Resources and Guides

    Live it Earth produces a calendar of programs each school year. Along with new feature shows and their resources, you also get access to all the shows in our library and their resources. 

    10 days before the feature show launches, we will send you an email to let you know that your teacher resources are ready.

    Below is a list of all the resources available along with a short explanation. (You can click the link to view more detailed information)


    A one-pager To keep track of all the pertinent information and components involved in participating fully in the Live It Earth experience! 

    STEM Challenge

    Our Live It Earth STEM challenges (Science Technology Engineering and Math) are designed to get kids problem solving and working in a hands-on way.

    Kids of varying ages and skill levels can engage and build complexity. The Bonus Creative Challenge ties into the STEM challenge to make it STEAM!

    Creative Challenge:

    Get engaged in the theme of the show with these fun cross-curricular and creative challenges. This engagement will support learning in the inquiry process and during the show itself. This challenge ties into the STEM challenge to make it STEAM!

    Story Challenge:

    Check out what books our resident experts have found for you. After reading one or more, choose from the creative writing prompts and activities provided.

    Game Challenge:

    Gamify your learning with these fun and challenging games built by our team. Try playing collaboratively as a team or competitively to get the highest score!

    Inquiry guides

    Use the Inquiry guide to support inquiry prior to, during and even after the Live It Earth show for project-based learning. Distribute printable or digital copies per learner or just load one copy right into Google Classroom as a handout.


    The slideshow is a great preview and introduction to the topic explored in the Live It Earth show. It is a supplemental resource and also an enrichment resource for going deeper in either depth or scope.


    Build your vocabulary by learning how to use these words we pulled from the feature show and slideshow.

    Pro tip: Add one or more of these words in your Story Challenge! 

    Deep Dive:

    The Deep Dive videos appear in the Explore section of a program and go in-depth with experts about a topic they are passionate about.

    Career Pathways:

    Career Pathways are short videos that explore unconventional or unknown careers and an expert's own personal story of getting there.

    Indigenous Perspectives:

    Whenever possible we strive to include and integrate the indigenous perspectives in our Feature Show and Slideshow resources. In some cases, we have provided a supplemental video in our Explore section that provides more time and space for indigenous experts to share insights, traditional knowledge and connections to other related topics.


    We at Live It Earth value a learning-by-doing approach to encourage learners to foster their own personal and social values organically. Each show and slideshow will recommend a call to action for our viewers! The prompts in each show will vary from citizen science to community service, and experiential or project-based learning.